Anna Lawrence Coaching FAQs

How long is the coaching package? 

  • The coaching package is 3 months long. This is a really intentional amount of time to work on making lifestyle changes and it's a bonus to have the added support of coaching during this transitional period!

How many sessions come in the coaching package? 

  • There are 9 sessions, including one 60-minute Intake session and eight regular 45-60 minute coaching sessions. Once the Intake session is scheduled, you have 3 months from that date to use the other eight sessions. Three weeks on, one week off. 

What is the "Pay What You Can" coaching package? 

  • Pay What You Can is exactly what it sounds like! You choose what you pay. You have the option to pay per session (a great option if your finances are changing constantly and are living paycheck to paycheck), you can pay monthly, or you can pay in full for the entire amount you decide over the 3 months. This is a choose your own adventure, so to speak 😉 

Is there a minimum payment requirement for the "Pay What You Can" option? 

  • Nope, no minimum! At the end of the application, you will see some suggested prices per month, but the program is what it says it is - pay what you can. If you are unable to pay for a session, you can choose to pay nothing (and no judgment over here)! I truly believe in the law of attraction and the power of giving and receiving. I offer this coaching package and acknowledge the honor system - please be honest about where you are at with your finances and what you can/cannot pay! 

Is there a payment plan option?

  • Yes! You can pay per session, monthly, or in full. 

What are your qualifications?

  • I am a Chopra Certified Well-being coach, and a Chopra Certified Ayurvedic Health & Primordial Sound Meditation Teacher. 

What kind of coaching program is it? 

  • This coaching program focuses on overall well-being, from a mind, body, and spirit perspective. It integrates Ayurveda and meditation while focusing on finding your purpose, setting intentions and goals, changing your perspective on challenges, and shadow work. The incorporation of Ayurveda takes the coach-client relationship to an even deeper level. The client starts off by learning about their mind-body type and any imbalances they currently have so that the coach can meet them where they are at and tailor the coaching to their unique constitution. 

What is your refund policy with coaching? 

  • Read the full refund policy here

What is Voxer and why do you use it? 

  • Voxer is a walkie-talkie messenger app you can download on your iPhone or Android device. This is used for quick communication in the form of questions, celebrations, and moments where you feel stuck and don't feel like you can make it to the next session without support. During business hours you can expect a response within the hour. Outside of business hours and on the weekends (or otherwise posted days off/vacation days) expect a delayed response by the next business day. 

What is the AO Scan with SEFI, Inner Voice Report, Balancing Harmonies Playlist, and Vitals Report? 

  • This is an exciting new frequency scanning device I am using with myself and my clients for optimal health! The scan checks for vibrational frequencies in your body and can detect when they are out of balance from their optimal frequency. This is a non-invasive technology that is created based on the life work of Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Marie Curie and many others. It dives into the world of quantum physics where the perspective is that everything is energy. The energy systems in our body are meant to vibrate at a particular frequency for that body part, and when that is the case - you experience optimal health. This scanner can understand where your frequencies are out of balance and help to reset them through a custom balancing harmonies playlist. Learn more at the Solex website and join my friend's Facebook group where she has organized everything you need to know in one place! 
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