Sister Science Connection - Meet Your Teachers

Anne Preston (to the right)

Anne (pronounced like Annie) is from the mid-western cornfields of Illinois. She moved to Steamboat after graduating college from Southern Illinois University Carbondale where she studied Marketing and Outdoor Recreation. Anne received her 200-HR Yoga Teaching Certification at a local Steamboat Studio called Out Here Yoga. She is well-versed in the knowledge of vinyasa and power flows. Anne studied Ayurvedic sciences briefly in college as well. 

Anna Lawrence (photo below)

Anna is from Evergreen, Colorado, and has lived in Steamboat for almost 3 years. She has always been drawn to realistic and sustainable wellness and created her own well-being business in 2021 to teach other women how to do the same. She quit her job and completed 3 Chopra teacher and coach certifications - Ayurvedic Health, Primordial Sound Meditation, and Total Well-being Coach. 

After dealing with chronic fatigue for most of her adult life, adopting an Ayurvedic lifestyle was one of the only things that resulted in lasting changes in her health and energy levels. She’s now dedicated to showing you that you too, can seek mind-body balance, without giving up the luxuries of a full life. She went from feeling out of alignment and drained every day, to knowing there is a holistic solution to living a happy, healthy, and energetic life - and she can't wait to share that with you.  

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