(YOU)nique Well-Being - 1:1 Coaching

Have you tried to implement a consistent well-being routine but feel like you don’t have enough time or end up overwhelmed before you even start? How many times have you started the first three weeks of a new ritual off strong, only to fall back into your conditioned ways, controlled by your old stories filled with limiting beliefs?

What if I told you that in just 90-days, you could start the process of changing your behavior for the long run and actually enjoy it - without having to live a life of restriction, exhaustion, and habits that feel like a chore

In (YOU)nique Well-Being, we will get curious about the four cornerstones of well-being:

  1. Purpose
  2. Intention
  3. Meaning
  4. Shadow 

Knowing and living your true purpose, setting powerful intentions around your well-being vision and every category of your life, becoming aware of the stories you are making up about your current challenges and how to change your perspective to a whole new meaning, and recognizing your own subconscious judgments and internal blocks, will support you in changing your daily rituals, your lifestyle, and your identity

"But Anna, what if I don't want to change my identity? I don't want to change who I am, I just want to change my habits so I can experience greater overall well-being and health in my day-to-day life!"

I hear you - change is scary and it comes at a cost. So many people are not willing to pay the price, so they stay stuck in habits that don't serve them and constantly want to live a life full of habits that do serve them and their overall well-being. When it comes to changing your behavior, you must change your identity. You must reckon with your limiting beliefs, the stories, the labels - everything that you identify with that is preventing you from living a life in alignment with your higher self. 

What is the price you are paying now by staying stuck in your limiting beliefs? Are there any benefits? Are they worth the price you are paying? 

If you are not sure that this coaching program is right for you, ask yourself the following questions: 

  • Are you wanting to prioritize your health and well-being for good and make it your lifestyle? 
  • Are you wanting to know how to respond to overwhelm rather than react to it and revert to your old ways of procrastinating, stressing, overeating, over drinking, and binging on TV & social media? 
  • Are you ready to ditch the excuses like, “I don’t have enough time”, “I don’t know how to do it”, or “I don’t have the willpower to succeed”, and stand in your power outside of your comfort zone to make some serious change?
  • Are you ready to get clear on your well-being vision and implement well-being rituals that you actually enjoy and don’t feel like a chore?

AND you also fit at least one of the following criteria: 

  • You identify as a woman who values your health and well-being but don’t even know where to start when it comes to implementing new habits because of so many failed attempts
  • You identify as a woman who wants to become more in tune than ever with your body - mind - spirit connection and is ready to make choices that suit YOU and no one else
  • You identify as a woman ready to release your limiting idea of perfection and redefine your idea of success

If you answered YES to at least one topic in each section, the (YOU)nique Well-Being Private Coaching Program is for you! If you're still unsure, follow me on TikTok and Instagram to get started at your own pace and meet like-minded individuals who also want to change but may not be ready for the full coaching package yet. 

IMAGINE your transformation in just 90 days...

  • Opening yourself up to what well-being uniquely looks like to YOU by learning about your individual mind-body type and adjusting your rituals to support your uniqueness.
  • Becoming confident in your ability to prioritize well-being habits that serve you in your divine life while saying "so long" to habits that no longer serve you.
  • Ditching your all-or-nothing thinking so that you can make your own rules in life and wellness and break free from the shackles of perfectionism. 
  • Harnessing the power in your purpose (Dharma) and making a clear action and contingency plan around your well-being vision to stick to these wellness rituals, even when life gets in the way. 
  • Releasing the condition and learned reaction to stressful situations that most people live with on a day-to-day basis, and utilizing the power of choice when it comes to responding - stop, breathe, choose. 

During our magical work together, you will receive individualized guidance from Anna Lawrence, a Chopra certified Ayurvedic Health & Primordial Sound Meditation instructor and Intuitive Well-Being Coach, unlimited Telegram contact (quick response M-F), and you will explore practical habit practices that you can continue to use for the rest of your life. 


This program is valued at $2222. (payment plans available) 

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